
CPCL Programming Language

CPCL Programming Language for Zebra Mobile Printers

This language is a little harder to master than ZPL code, but once you get the basic concepts it gets easier.

CPCL Programmers Manual

Here is a sample of C# code that sends CPCL code to the serial port:

if (sPrinterLanguage == “CPCL”)
oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“! 0 200 200 580 ” + qty + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“! UTILITIES” + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“GAP-SENSE” + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“SET-TOF 0” + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“IN-MILLIMETERS” + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“BARCODE 128 .4 2 10 6 0 ” + oLabelPrintScreen.txtItem.Text.Trim() + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“TEXT 4 1 6 12 ” + oLabelPrintScreen.txtItem.Text.Trim() + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“TEXT 4 1 6 23 ” + d1.ToUpper() + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“TEXT 4 1 6 34 ” + d2.ToUpper() + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“TEXT 4 1 6 45 ” + oLabelPrintScreen.txtSerial.Text.Trim() + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“BARCODE 128 .4 2 10 6 58 ” + oLabelPrintScreen.txtSerial.Text.Trim() + Constants.CRLF);

if (oLabelPrintScreen.cbDate.Checked) oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“TEXT 4 1 55 45 ” + “Received: ” + dtnow + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“FORM” + Constants.CRLF);

oLabelPrintScreen.serialPort1.WriteLine(“PRINT” + Constants.CRLF);

qty is a variable with the number of labels to print

txtItem is the Item Number

d1 and d2 are the Item Description text split into two halves

txtSerial is another text field

dtnow is the date stamp of when the label was printed. The resulting label looks like:

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