Monday, 14 December 2009
Mobile Scanning & Printing SaaS Solution
incorporating DataDots
Barcode Datalink Pty Ltd
using technology from
Prepared by:
Andrei Spiegel | Director | Barcode Datalink
Project Name
DataDot for Bunnings
Paslode need to apply DataDot’s to products going into Bunnings stores.
Part of this process is to attach barcode stickers to the registration card and to record which DataDot PIN code is assigned to each tool serial number.
The data collected needs to stored in a database and available for the website to query.
What we are starting with
Initially for Bunnings there are three (3) products that need to be repackaged to include the DataDot PIN code and barcoded serial numbers.
These products are:
B20540 Paslode Impulse Framemaster
B20574 Paslode Impulse 250S Bradder
B20720 Paslode Impulse Trimmaster Angle Bradder
The tools come on pallets and the current outer sleeve packaging has the following variety of barcoded labels on them:
Code 39 barcode of the serial number
This label shows an EAN-13 retail barcode (top) and a Code 39 serial number barcode (below)
Suggested work flow and process in detail
In this example we are assuming that a new work area has been setup for the operator to process the product. The first pallet of product he is going to do has 36 tools.
They have been given a bag containing the first 36 DataDot Pin numbers.
- Pallet of product is brought to new work area
- Operator takes one product from the pallet
- The product has the following label on the outer sleeve
4. Using the barcode scanner, the operator scans the EAN-13 barcode first
If found in the database, the Paslode part number and description are shown on the screen.
If the barcode is not found, he can’t continue until he scans a valid part number or barcode.
- Next, the operator is prompted to scan the tool’s serial number.
The serial number is checked that it hasn’t been scanned into the database. If it has been he should put the product aside for a manager to investigate.
- Since it should not have been scanned previously, the operator is now prompted to scan in the DataDot barcode.
The DataDot number will be checked that it has not been scanned into the database. Being a new batch of stickers from DataDot it should be available.
The following data will be saved to the online database instantly, or you can prompt the operator to confirm the details and if they press ‘Yes’ to save it will be saved. ‘No’ and they can start over.
Save will write a new record to the database:
- UserID 1
- Paslode Part Number 902260
- Description Paslode Impulse Framemaster
- DataDot Pin Code DD-AU-09B123
- Date/Time Stamp 12/12/09 14:15:23
- Two new tool serial number labels will now print out on a label printer
- The operator will now repackage the product. (Placing the barcode scanner down until he needs to process the next product)
- On the registration card the operator has to:
i) has to place the DataDot barcode sticker
ii) apply one of the two new tool serial number barcodes
Done correctly it should look like:
Continuing on:
- Insert this completed registration card into the carry case.
- Reseal the carry case with a safety seal.
- Get a new ‘Bunnings’ branded outer sleeve.
- Apply the second tool serial number to the new sleeve.
- Place completed product onto a new pallet.