Zebra TLP-2844-Z Barcode Label Printer

To use this label printer for the DataDot application you will need a black thermal transfer ribbon as well as white synthetic labels that are 60mm x 17mm.

The TLP-2844-Z is a ZPL (Zebra Programming Language) printer and is connected to the network via an Ethernet cable and gets an IP address via the DHCP server.

In the event of a printer problem any Zebra ZPL printer with a 203 dpi print head can be used in its place. Ideally another TLP-2844-Z, however, a Zebra Z4M, ZM400 or S4M can be installed so long as they have an ethernet interface (either internal or external).

See the user manual for how to load the ribbon and labels.

Zebra TLP-2844-Z User Manual

Feed Button Modes

Use should only ever have to adjust the print width and print darkness.